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What I Do

Thumb with text: let's (yellow) talk (red) about (green) disabilities (blue). let's is down thumb.




I aim to raise awareness about disabilities because I feel that it is an important subject for everyone to be aware of. I think so many people just dismiss me because they think they won't be able to understand me or the other way around. There is no doubt that other people feel the same way about this, so I want to help to put a stop to this. This is partly why I created Brains on Wheels.


I feel that too many people are afraid to talk about disabilities because they think that they might offend another person or they might feel awkward talking about it. In my opinion, you have nothing to stop you talking about things and if other people don't like it, then it's their problem, not yours. Never be afraid to talk about disabilities or illnesses.

I am also on a mission to try and get more activities set up to create more opportunities for physically disabled people who have not got the use of their hands, but we need your help!

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